
Dear colleagues,

Enjoy reading the SARIA Global Newsletter 01/2023.

This newsletter contains information on Group-wide news to keep you up to date and to provide specific insights and background on processes and developments.

The aim is simple: share information + get in touch = move forward together!

Your SARIA Group Communications

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Your SARIA Group Communications


In November 2022, SARIA announced a takeover offer for the Scottish company Devro, one of the world’s leading suppliers of edible collagen casings, films and coatings. A unique opportunity for the SARIA Group to grow, develop and perfectly complement its product portfolio.

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Organics2Power combines the Group-wide activities of ReFood, SecAnim and ecoMotion in the field of sustainable energy sources based on organic raw materials. Check out the latest trending topics by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: O2P: employee survey // Daka SecAnim: app update //
ReFood Poland: new Director for Sales & Market Development . . .

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Sinova combines the Group-wide activities of SARVAL and Bioceval in the field of animal feed industry, oleochemistry and agriculture. Check out the latest trending topics regarding this division by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: International Shared Channels for Sinova // Sustainability – The purpose of Sinova // SINAPS – A powerful data warehouse for Sinova

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Food & Pharma combines the Group-wide activities of Van Hessen and Bioiberica in the field of natural casings and pharmaceutical active ingredients. Check out the latest trending topics regarding this division by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: Latest partnerships in Argentina for Van Hessen //
Bioiberica: supply chains

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UNO for improved collaboration within the Group

The Project UNO aims to clarify roles, structures and responsibilities in the areas of: IT, HR, Finance and Strategic Purchasing at the interface of the corporate functions and the O2P and Sinova divisions.

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SAF Update

“The SAF project with TotalEnergies is a milestone.” SARIA Executive Board member Nicolas Rottmann informs about the path-breaking project with TotalEnergies.
Check out the YouTube video below.

YouTube Video

SARIA Corporate Presentation

The new corporate presentation for the SARIA Group is now available to download. With up-to-date figures and in a new eye-catching design, the presentation is universally applicable. Check out the website below.

Download here

Sustainability is at the heart of all our business activities. Stay up to date on Group-wide issues in this area.

The trending topic is: How we are prepared for the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

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Changes in ECB Management

Since January 16, 2023, Pascal Wilser and Giovanni Fappani are leading the SARIA-ECB management team for the activities in Italy.


What comes next?

The newsletter will be published once a quarter. Therefore, you can look forward to the next SARIA Global Newsletter in September 2023.

You have ideas, wishes, comments? Share them with us at:

SARIA Global Newsletter 01/2023

SARIA offers takeover for Devro


In mid-November 2022, SARIA announced a takeover offer for the Scottish company Devro, one of the world’s leading suppliers of edible collagen casings, films and coatings.

Devro in brief

Devro, an acronym for “Development and Research Organization,” was founded as a part of Johnson & Johnson in the early 1950s after a process was developed within the company to produce sausage casings from collagen. It became an independent stock-listed company in 1991. Devro has a workforce of about 2,000 people and operates six manufacturing sites in addition to its headquarters in Moodiesburn (Scotland). The most recent and company-wide largest branch was opened in Nantong (China). Other locations are in the Czech Republic, Australia, the United States and the Netherlands. Sales offices are also operated in Germany, Russia, Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand.

Good reasons for acquisition

As collagen is produced from animal by-products, SARIA is familiar with Devro’s field of work. In addition, Van Hessen already works with Devro products in Brazil.

The acquisition brings together two leading international companies with complementary product portfolios in the sausage casings market, which in turn offers sustainable and scalable growth in highly attractive and dynamic business areas. The combination of the two companies is ideal to strengthen market position and growth in both established and emerging markets by having a joint effort in sales, driving an enhanced research and development function, and offering a broader product range. As a company that shares our values and vision of sustainable and responsible business, the addition of Devro to the SARIA Group will not only bring benefits to customers and suppliers, but also opens new perspectives and opportunities for employees on both sides.

Transition Plans

The London Stock Exchange, where Devro has been listed since 2010, sent out clear positive signals from shareholders after the takeover offer was announced. The transaction has been approved by the anti-trust authorities, if the shareholders agree to it, an acquisition could be possible in the first half of the year.

If the acquisition is successful, Devro will become part of the Food & Pharma Division. Therefore, the Executive Board member for the division, Harald van Boxtel, will be responsible for this business unit.  SARIA intends to maintain Devro’s seven manufacturing sites and to continue to invest in them to increase their capacity.


Latest partnerships in Argentina for Van Hessen


In 2022, we entered into partnerships with Vincenti and Inter Farma.

Vincenti was established in Argentina in 1853 and has been producing natural casings ever since. Inter Farma, also based in Argentina, specializes in the production of chondroitin sulfate extracted from bovine cartilage, and crude heparin from porcine mucosa. Both companies are leading manufacturers in South America, which is why a partnership is so beneficial for Van Hessen’s business development in this area. Being partners means increasing our volume of ‘green casings’, which still contain the associated mucosa. Together with Vincenti we are building a new cleaning plant for all green casings in Canuelas near Buenos Aires. In addition, we will transfer the production of crude heparin from our plant in Rosario to the Inter Farma’s plant, which is also located in Canuelas, next to the construction site of the new cleaning plant. We expect both plants to be up and running by March 2023.

Bioiberica: Supply chains


What’s next for the pharma supply chain and how is Bioiberica positioning itself in it?

Supply chains are fundamental for the efficient delivery of important healthcare solutions and lifesaving pharmaceuticals to people globally. What steps can companies like Bioiberica take within the supply chain to deal with inevitable disruptions?

The pillars of supply chain success

Transparency, collaboration, openness and integrity are at the core of mitigating any potential risks in supply chain management.

But having the right structure in place to begin with is critical. An integrated supply chain model enables comprehensive control across operations – from the sourcing of raw materials to the final API development.

Incorporating a robust setup with special processes and protocols in place like this, plus a dedicated team of specialists, ensures maximum traceability, quality and safety of pharmaceutical ingredients from start to finish.

This is especially important when working with biologically-derived ingredients, as we do at Bioiberica.

Thanks to our vertically integrated supply chain model, we were in a much stronger position than most during the COVID-19 pandemic.

And it continues to futureproof the business against unpredicted disruptions, helping to shield from upstream supply chain issues, like risk of cross-contamination and transmission of animal-derived adventitious agents (an ever-present risk when working with animal materials).

Key initiatives to build resilience

Two key strategies that companies will likely implement going forward to support better resilience are building a robust network of trusted suppliers and introducing geographical diversification into their business operations.

Flexibility is key here. Take biologically-derived APIs as an example – to develop such ingredients, large volumes of starting material are required to obtain the target molecule.

Because the quality and quantity of the final active ingredient is dependent on herd size and disease-free animals, naturally, there are risks linked to supply shortages. The solution? To source from countries worldwide, while also maintaining strict, traceable and quality-based supply chain models.

Collaboration powers agility

Supply chains can be extremely dynamic with multiple stakeholders joining or exiting the process at different points. That’s why teamwork is key. Bioiberica regularly partners with research centres, businesses in the industry and global regulatory agencies to develop analysis techniques that support the characterisation of its active ingredients and ensure they’re compliant with the latest regulations.

Unlike chemical substances, which have a consistent and characterisable chemical structure regardless of how they are manufactured, animal-derived actives are more susceptible to variability due to their biological origin – thus need to be assessed closely.

Game-changing technologies

Technology is constantly evolving – especially in the pharma world. Initiatives that could revolutionise the pharma supply chain include artificial intelligence for control towers and inventory monitoring. The Internet of Things (IoT) supports logistics management.

From material tracking to providing data on inventory location and status, it helps reduce errors in the supply chain and increases the productivity of pharmaceuticals. Finally, many researchers are turning to blockchain technology to strengthen pharmaceutical operations. Making data sharing and visibility of a product’s journey possible – from production line to patient – without a third party, blockchain makes global supply chains more traceable and efficient.

Empowering sustainable operations

The industry explores new, more sustainable ways to manufacture pharmaceutical ingredients – using less water and energy or improving efficiencies – there exists the potential of changing the quality of the final product. It therefore takes time and a great deal of confidence to make the switch from one process to another – especially for an already-established drug product.

Bioiberica’s operations follow a circular economy approach – a concept based on principles from natural ecosystems, where nothing is wasted. For example, Bioiberica currently powers 100% of its activity using electricity from renewable resources. By taking by-products from the food industry and turning them into valuable ingredients for use in pharmaceuticals, the company is working towards creating a sustainable future not just for its own business, but for its customers too and – most importantly – people and the planet.

If you want to know more read the full article on the website of Bioiberica.

O2P France, Poland, Spain: Proposing solutions by listening to employee needs


Well-informed employees, who feel comfortable in their work environment are not only more motivated at work, but also contribute to a positive working atmosphere that benefits everyone.

In terms of communication habits and needs, the O2P communication team in Spain, France and Poland conducted an initial employee survey within the O2P division in these three countries. Based on the results, they can now develop tailored solutions to meet employees’ expectations.


In November 2022, the O2P communication team conducted an employee survey. Via e-mails in the respective local language and by using posters with QR codes at the sites, all employees of the O2P business units in Spain, France, and Poland as well as colleagues from the administrative functions in these countries like HR or Finance were surveyed. The questionnaire included, for example, questions on “How do you feel informed?”, “Where do you look for company information?”, “How often and in what format would you like to receive information?” etc.


The response rate among colleagues with access to the computer was 31 %. There was little feedback, 8 % of all responses, from production colleagues and drivers, who were able to participate in the survey via the QR code. O2P employees feel well informed, with an average score of 3.13 out of a possible 5 (5=excellent informed). Respondents want more information about their sites’ business prospects and news from other plants and colleagues to improve these results. 

In addition, many respondents wanted more contact and exchange with their direct supervisors, as well as more internal channels, such as an intranet, for exchanges among themselves.

What’s next?

The O2P communication team will provide detailed evaluations of the survey to the business unit management in every country. Together, a plan will be created to improve internal communication and establish a flow of information between local management and employees. At the end of the year, the survey will be repeated to check whether the communication strategies initiated are having an effect. It is essential that we maintain the dialog we have started on internal communications so that we can continue to develop collectively in this area.

COP27 | Sustainability Challenges & Opportunities at O2P by 2023


COP27 is the annual meeting of signatories to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to review progress in implementing the agreement.

On the occasion of this climate conference, the O2P division in France, Poland and Spain has examined its own challenges and opportunities in the area of sustainability and identified key facts for itself.

Because everything that happens at COP27 affects us as a company.

These key facts to challenges & opportunities can be found here.

If you want to know more about sustainability in O2P read the full interview with Claudia Gutiérrez, Sustainability Assistant & Project Manager for Roberto Pérez, O2P’s Sustainability Director.

Daka SecAnim: Support of Danish customers with app update


At Daka SecAnim in Denmark, they experience great success with the new update of their app named “PIGUP&KO”. With several new functions, the app will make it easier for Danish farmers to manage fallen animals in their day-to-day business.

The Danish Daka SecAnim collects fallen animals, primarily from Danish farms and private animal husbandry, which are recycled for fertilizer production, biofuel, and biodiesel.

In order to minimize the possible spread of infectious diseases, fully comply with legal requirements and simultaneously save time in day-to-day business, fixed routines are needed with regard to the removal and registration of fallen animals.

In 2015, Daka SecAnim launched the app “PIGUP&KO” for the Danish farmers. “Back then, the main purpose was to make it easier for farmers to register their fallen animals for collection. In this way, they could register directly from their smartphones, and they did not have to use a PC or touch-tone telephone. Here the ambition was to achieve better service, faster collection and at the same time protect security”, Søren Mohr Jensen, Communications & Marketing Manager at Daka SecAnim says.

“Our route planning is dynamic, meaning that our truck drivers receive an updated route every five minutes. When farmers register fallen animals for collection through the app, they might “risk” that we collect the animals five minutes after registration. The app has supported our dynamic route planning right from the beginning”, Søren Mohr Jensen explains. Daka SecAnim’s dynamic route planning ensures that 20% of the animals can be picked up on the same day they are registered in the app.

Service and safety are still in focus

After seven years, the PIGUP&KO app was ready for a major update in the fall of 2022. To make the app as easy and smooth as possible for farmers, PIGUP&KO has the same basic functions as before, but with some new features. Among the new functions, it is now possible to create different users (employee accounts) directly in the app, and at the same time control whether employees can “only” pre-register or directly register a collection appointment with Daka SecAnim. This means that an employee who brings fallen animals outside the stables can pre-register them. The authorized person, who has the permission to register the collection from Daka SecAnim, will be informed that a fallen animal has been found. When the animal is placed at the collection point, the authorized person can forward the registration to Daka SecAnim, which will pick up the animal as soon as possible.

At the same time, it is also possible for the farmer to benchmark themselves against other Danish farmers in terms of registration and delay, as well as registration of the correct number of fallen animals.

“We are looking forward to help the Danish farmers to even more effective and streamlined handling of fallen animals. It will take time, but once they get started, the handling of the animals will be much easier for them”, Søren Mohr Jensen concludes.

SecAnim Spain: Sponsor of the IV Edition of the Porc d’Or Awards


With the participation of more than 800 professionals, including farmers, veterinarians, representatives of public administrations, associations, universities and companies, the Porc d’Or awards have become the benchmark event for the pork sector in Spain. This time SecAnim was one of the sponsors of this event.

On November 25, the IV Edition of the Porc d’Or Capa Blanca Awards was held in Toledo (Spain), an award promoted by the Instituto de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentarias (IRTA), to recognize excellence in the Spanish pork sector.

Our company was represented by Eduardo Puigvert, Sales & Purchasing Manager of SecAnim and Laura López, Executive Assistant & Project Manager. Both presented the Porc d’Or Award for “Health, Animal Welfare and Environment”.

These awards were created with the clear objective of rewarding the professionalism, dedication, and work done daily by pig farms in Spain to ensure the future of the sector. Values that are completely in line with SecAnim’s philosophy and commitment to all Spanish farmers.

Sponsoring the Porc d’Or Awards is a very good way to showcase our company and clearly communicate our sustainable values to key stakeholders in the industry.

SecAnim Poland: New investment in Struga Jezuicka


At the end of 2022, a new investment was completed at the SecAnim site in Struga Jezuicka.

The investment included:

  • the construction of a new raw material reception hall with the installation of production machinery
  • the construction of a new deodorization installation, which includes a water-chemical scrubber and an installation of a new biofilter.

The plant is now pending acceptance by the authorities in order to start production.

photos: a new raw material reception hall
photos: a water-chemical scrubber

SecAnim France: Maximizing the valorization of materials


In France, the teams of Research & Development and SecAnim aim to develop a new end product – a biostimulant for plants. It will be produced from residual materials as part of a project to valorize condensates.

Condensates are water residues produced and condensed during the transformation process of materials in SecAnim’s plants. Currently, these residues are sent to our wastewater treatment plants for disposal. Biostimulants are usually supplements based on microorganisms or bioactive substances that improve plant growth and stress tolerance.

Within the Innovation Department, Valérie Mezino and Hélène Protopopoff are leading this project together with ReFood’s fertilizer project manager Dylan Collet and other expert colleagues in France, Spain, and Poland.

This research began in the summer of 2022 with a bibliographic review to find previous studies on the subject. Valerie and her team then identified the types of condensates in the Plouvara and Benet plants and their potential “collection points”. Not an easy task in the context of our complex infrastructure! The collected material has been sent to an external laboratory to analyze its composition. The next step will be to conduct tests to examine the biostimulatory effect of the condensates. This work will require several trials to obtain conclusive results. We expect the first results by the end of winter 2023.

For Valérie: “this project reflects the sustainability of our Group. Although we already work very sustainable, valuable materials are still getting lost in our recycling activities. In this case, it is about creating materials to produce organic fertilizers.”

This approach is part of a more global project called “Side Streams Valorization”, which is exploring the valorization of unused streams like condensate, sludge, and other residues or waste from rendering plants. This global project brings together the O2P division in France, Spain, and Poland to share the results of the various research projects and to analyze the side streams in terms of their profitability and usability.

ReFood Poland: New Director for Sales and Market Development


At the beginning of 2023, Piotr Kosinski joined ReFood Poland as Sales and Market Development Director.

Piotr has been working in the industry for more than 13 years.

Over the past years, he has managed nationwide sales developing cooperation with retail chains and industrial plants in the field of comprehensive waste management. At ReFood, he will manage the sales department and be responsible for ReFood’s sales and market development strategy, with a focus on business development in the UCO area.