
Dear colleagues,

Enjoy reading the SARIA Global Newsletter 01/2023.

This newsletter contains information on Group-wide news to keep you up to date and to provide specific insights and background on processes and developments.

The aim is simple: share information + get in touch = move forward together!

Your SARIA Group Communications

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Your SARIA Group Communications


In November 2022, SARIA announced a takeover offer for the Scottish company Devro, one of the world’s leading suppliers of edible collagen casings, films and coatings. A unique opportunity for the SARIA Group to grow, develop and perfectly complement its product portfolio.

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Organics2Power combines the Group-wide activities of ReFood, SecAnim and ecoMotion in the field of sustainable energy sources based on organic raw materials. Check out the latest trending topics by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: O2P: employee survey // Daka SecAnim: app update //
ReFood Poland: new Director for Sales & Market Development . . .

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Sinova combines the Group-wide activities of SARVAL and Bioceval in the field of animal feed industry, oleochemistry and agriculture. Check out the latest trending topics regarding this division by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: International Shared Channels for Sinova // Sustainability – The purpose of Sinova // SINAPS – A powerful data warehouse for Sinova

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Food & Pharma combines the Group-wide activities of Van Hessen and Bioiberica in the field of natural casings and pharmaceutical active ingredients. Check out the latest trending topics regarding this division by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: Latest partnerships in Argentina for Van Hessen //
Bioiberica: supply chains

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UNO for improved collaboration within the Group

The Project UNO aims to clarify roles, structures and responsibilities in the areas of: IT, HR, Finance and Strategic Purchasing at the interface of the corporate functions and the O2P and Sinova divisions.

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SAF Update

“The SAF project with TotalEnergies is a milestone.” SARIA Executive Board member Nicolas Rottmann informs about the path-breaking project with TotalEnergies.
Check out the YouTube video below.

YouTube Video

SARIA Corporate Presentation

The new corporate presentation for the SARIA Group is now available to download. With up-to-date figures and in a new eye-catching design, the presentation is universally applicable. Check out the website below.

Download here

Sustainability is at the heart of all our business activities. Stay up to date on Group-wide issues in this area.

The trending topic is: How we are prepared for the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

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Changes in ECB Management

Since January 16, 2023, Pascal Wilser and Giovanni Fappani are leading the SARIA-ECB management team for the activities in Italy.


What comes next?

The newsletter will be published once a quarter. Therefore, you can look forward to the next SARIA Global Newsletter in September 2023.

You have ideas, wishes, comments? Share them with us at:

SARIA Global Newsletter 01/2023

International Shared Channels for Sinova


At Sinova we are working continuously towards a modern and lean organisation and a high-performance culture in which we can work together as ONE team across national borders.

In the past Microsoft Teams at Sinova was built up in a country-based structure. Working in Microsoft Teams across borders was very limited and often difficult.

Therefore, to efficiently work together in an international team like ours there is a need to established tools and platforms where colleagues can share their ideas, files and projects in a secured and protected environment.

The goal is to be able to work together on an easily accessible international platform as ONE team.

Together with the great support from our IT colleagues in the different countries, and a project team co-leaded by Kimberly Böving (German IT team) as technical expert and Jérémie Coste (France IT team) as digital manager in charge for the change management, the implementation of a Shared Channel solution has been successfully finalized to give our colleagues the opportunity and space to work together sharing Microsoft Teams channels across borders.

A Shared Channel is a collaborative environment on our Sinova Microsoft Teams platform, in which communication on an international level can take place much easier than before. To develop specific projects within team working groups we are now able to use the advantages Microsoft Teams brings us instead of sharing files via email, for example.

In order to get the most benefit out of these channels, the introduction in our team will be rolled out within specific training sessions and a special ambassador program step by step.

All in all, the shared channels are a big step forward for Sinova and offer a great possibility to achieve joint goals as ONE team, to collaborate easily and to continuously grow together.

Sustainability – The purpose of Sinova


Sustainability at Sinova is reflected in our daily actions, our thinking and the way we run our business.

Both the SARIA purpose “Together towards a sustainable world and healthier living” and the Sinova purpose of “making the most of the earth’s limited resources” underline our commitment to sustainability. In order to fulfill this commitment Sinova joined the Supplier Leadership on Climate Transition (S-LoCT) initiative.

S-LoCT is an industry-wide knowledge platform to collectively reach net zero emissions by 2050. The program was initiated by Mars, one of the world’s largest food and petfood manufacturers and also one of Sinova’s biggest customers, together with other food-and-beverage companies to help suppliers reduce their CO2 emissions.

Our Sinova sustainability team is using the collaborative platform to expand the knowledge and work together across our division to improve the carbon footprint of our activities. Thanks to the collective efforts and good work of our Sinova team, we are pleased to have reached the first milestone of the S-LoCT journey.

This badge is a recognition of the development of a Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) footprint that meets the GHG Protocol and Science-Based Targets initiative standards. However, this award is just the beginning. Together as ONE team, we at Sinova want to continue to move forward in terms of sustainability and reduction of CO2 emissions and therefore come even closer to our goal of making the most of the earth’s limited resources.

SINAPS – A powerful data warehouse for Sinova


Peter F. Drucker published numerous influential articles and books on the theory and practice of management and is considered a pioneer of modern management theory. One of his famous quotes is “What you can’t measure, you can’t manage.”

Of course, besides measuring, it is also important to keep track of all the available information and to have the right tools and instruments for evaluating the information. A company without data awareness and a well-functioning data infrastructure will rapidly lose competitiveness in the future. Therefore, building such a tool can bring a quick leap with a measurable impact on profitability and efficiency in our division.

These aspects are essential factors for the Sinova project called “SINAPS”. Up until now, our data has been stored in many, unconnected databases. For example, there was a system where the financial key figures could be accessed, another database with the logistics key figures, and various different platforms with data from the factories. However, in most cases the data was limited to one country and there were different systems in different countries, which made it difficult to access, use and benchmark data.

With the SINAPS project, a multitude of data is now combined in a single platform. SINAPS guarantees a very high level of data security, which is a top priority for us. It integrates easily with a lot of different IT systems in our Sinova regions and is not restricted by national borders. SINAPS is a flexible data management tool that can be quickly adapted to our business needs, allows us to have excellent data governance, and helps us to take the right decisions and adopt a benchmarking culture. With a single user interface, it is now possible for our one hundred Sinova leaders to access the most important Sinova data in the areas of finance, health and safety, quality, sales and logistics. Data on sustainability will also be available soon.

The information is presented in graphs and curves in different dashboards and there are a variety of filter options to work efficiently with the data on a daily basis. The Sinova teams now have the possibility to compile and combine information by country, product, customer, time period, etc. in a very simple and uncomplicated way.

A special thank you for making this project happen goes to the team of experts from different areas within our division. With their support and input it was possible to build the framework on which SINAPS is now based. Another big thank you also goes to the IT team in Spain. Jordi Esquius and Rodrigo Borella, with their team and together with an external project partner, did an excellent job and created the possibility to easily access a large amount of data. SINAPS is another significant step for our division on our way to creating an efficient and lean organisation and being able to run our business in a targeted way.

Now that we measure better, we will be able to manage our division even better. Just in the spirit of Peter F. Drucker.