
Dear colleagues,

Enjoy reading the SARIA Global Newsletter 4/2023.

This newsletter contains information on Group-wide news to keep you up to date and to provide specific insights and background on processes and developments.

The aim is simple: share information + get in touch = move forward together!

Your SARIA Group Communications

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Organics2Power combines the Group-wide activities of SecAnim, ReFood and ecoMotion in the field of sustainable energy sources based on organic raw materials. Check out the latest trending topics by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: O2Ps Zero Net CO2 fertilizer is certified // Daka at the Open Agricultural Day // ReFood Germany prepares for legislative change // ReFood Poland & ALDI . . .

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Food & Pharma combines the Group-wide activities of Van Hessen, Devro and Bioiberica in the field of natural casings, collagen-based edible films and coatings, as well as and pharmaceutical active ingredients. Check out the latest trending topics regarding this division by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: Employee survey by Van Hessen // Van Hessen at Anuga 2023 // Devro celebrates Safety Month // Bioiberica at the CPHI

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Sinova combines the Group-wide activities of SARVAL and Bioceval in the field of animal feed industry, oleochemistry and agriculture. Check out the latest trending topics regarding this division by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: Sinova: ‘O’ for Oleochemicals // Close to action – Sinova Townhall Meetings

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New SARIA Corporate Presentation

In search for a great overview of our activities and key facts? Check out the updated power point presentation in our new corporate design! You can also find access to the SARIA Brand Book and the new SARIA power point master.

Use this for your internal and external presentation of our SARIA Group!

Download here

New global
SARIA website

The global SARIA website shines in the new corporate design. In addition to the individual SARIA country websites, this website is intended to be our ­inter­national­, Group-wide flagship for external presentation.

Discover new content and learn more about who we are and what we do!

To the website

EcoVadis Medal 2023

SARIA Group has been awarded the silver medal by EcoVadis, the global standard for business sustainability ratings.

Our current score places us in the top 7 % of all companies evaluated worldwide. SARIA has completed this comprehensive assessment every year since 2016 and was able to steadily improve its Group-wide rating.

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Changes in the responsibilities of SARIA UK business

At the end of 2023 there will be changes in the responsibilities for the SARIA UK activities at SARIA Executive Board level.

Dr. Peter Hill will take on the responsibility for the SARIA UK businesses. Franz-Bernhard Thier will remain responsible for ReFood UK Ltd and T.Quality Ltd, including Nortech Foods Ltd. In addition, the successive integration of the UK Finance & Administration functions into the Group Functions led by Tim Schwencke will be started.


What comes next?

You can look forward to the next SARIA Global Newsletter in 2024.

You have ideas, wishes, comments? Share them with us at:

SARIA Global Newsletter 04/2023

Recap Van Hessen at Anuga 2023


From October 7 to 11, 2023, the Anuga Fair in Cologne took place and, as usual, Van Hessen welcomed suppliers and customers from all over the world to its booth.

Unlike previous years, this year we had the pleasure of attending together with representatives of our new sister company Devro.

Many of our customers made their way to our booth to talk with our colleagues. We told them more about the benefits of being able to provide both natural and collagen casings and the common values between Van Hessen and Devro. The booth was constantly busy and on Monday evening we had a joint company meal to get to know each other better.

Anuga allows exhibitors and trade visitors to experience the diversity of the food and beverage industry in 10 trade shows under one roof. In every specialist segment, each food trade fair is unique and presents products and services related to the respective segment. Many of our business partners and key customers exhibited at the event.

Van Hessen Employee Survey 2023


In 2022, Van Hessen conducted an employee survey in the Netherlands with the aim of measuring and enhancing employees’ work experience.

Based on the results, everyone has worked diligently over the past year on improvements to ensure that employees in the Netherlands have an even more pleasant experience working at Van Hessen.

The employee survey was further rolled out globally in 2023. All employees on the payroll at Van Hessen were asked for their opinion. There were a few exceptions: UK, Spain, and groups smaller than 7 employees (due to anonymity) were not included. The results were shared with the Management Teams and department managers of the countries/regions. The department managers shared the results with their employees.

We are pleased with the number of participants in the global survey and the results. An average satisfaction rating of 8,12 is something we can all be proud of! Of course, the results also indicate that improvements can be made. For example, communication from and about the organization and management is an area for improvement, as is the balance between work and private life. These are topics to which Van Hessen will pay extra attention.

The countries not included in the survey now, and groups with employees growing to a minimum of 7 people, will participate in the next round of the survey. Within Food & Pharma, we plan to conduct the employee survey periodically globally in all three business units.

Devro celebrates Safety Month


At Devro, we care about our employees’ health and safety. Throughout October, we celebrated Safety Month as part of our ongoing effort to achieve a Zero Harm community.

This year’s Safety Month was a tremendous success, with each of our 7 sites across the globe engaging in a variety of activities, and we made sure to include our remote workers in every possible way.

Each week, we hosted webinars tailored to our remote employees, focusing on important topics such as Road & Pedestrian Safety, our Employee Assistance Programme, and Safe Work Practices from Home. We also published articles on our intranet each week, providing a deeper understanding of these key subjects and providing links to valuable resources.

Bathurst (Australia) carried out a variety of training courses on topics such as Confined Space, Working at Height and First Aid and held a coloring competition for our employees’ families so they too could be part of Safety Month. In Gendt (Netherlands) they had forklift training, workshops on how to report accidents and celebrated eight years without a LWDI (Lost Working Day Injury) – a huge achievement!

In the Czech Republic at our Jilemnice site, ‘Fresh Fruit Fridays’ were highlighted to help encourage healthy habits as well as a workshop for all employees focusing on ‘My Body, My Health, My Life’ which covered all essential information on preventing lifestyle diseases and self-examination tips.

Moodiesburn’s Safety Champions (Scotland) proactively arranged for custom insole measurements to prevent plantar fasciitis, as well as offering flu vaccinations and comprehensive health checks. In Nantong (China), Basic Life Support training provided by Ruici Hospital was carried out, and a Safety drawing contest engaged our employees’ children, with the winning drawing set to feature in the 2024 Devro calendar.

Finally, at Sandy Run (USA), all staff were invited to attend mental health training sessions every week, maintaining our focus on promoting healthy hearts and minds. We also made flu vaccinations available throughout the month to protect our employees. All in all, a busy month full of wonderful activities highlighting the importance of Health and Safety and reaffirmed that safety is a responsibility we all share.

Bioiberica at the CPHI trade fair in Barcelona

CPHI is one of the most important human health fairs in the world.

This year it was held in Barcelona, Bioiberica’s home town.

Bioiberica showcased its leadership in scientific research, sustainable development and strategic partnerships for a more resilient future with its portfolio of Active Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Ingredients.