
Dear colleagues,

Enjoy reading the SARIA Global Newsletter 4/2023.

This newsletter contains information on Group-wide news to keep you up to date and to provide specific insights and background on processes and developments.

The aim is simple: share information + get in touch = move forward together!

Your SARIA Group Communications

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Organics2Power combines the Group-wide activities of SecAnim, ReFood and ecoMotion in the field of sustainable energy sources based on organic raw materials. Check out the latest trending topics by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: O2Ps Zero Net CO2 fertilizer is certified // Daka at the Open Agricultural Day // ReFood Germany prepares for legislative change // ReFood Poland & ALDI . . .

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Food & Pharma combines the Group-wide activities of Van Hessen, Devro and Bioiberica in the field of natural casings, collagen-based edible films and coatings, as well as and pharmaceutical active ingredients. Check out the latest trending topics regarding this division by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: Employee survey by Van Hessen // Van Hessen at Anuga 2023 // Devro celebrates Safety Month // Bioiberica at the CPHI

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Sinova combines the Group-wide activities of SARVAL and Bioceval in the field of animal feed industry, oleochemistry and agriculture. Check out the latest trending topics regarding this division by clicking on the red button below.

The topics are: Sinova: ‘O’ for Oleochemicals // Close to action – Sinova Townhall Meetings

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New SARIA Corporate Presentation

In search for a great overview of our activities and key facts? Check out the updated power point presentation in our new corporate design! You can also find access to the SARIA Brand Book and the new SARIA power point master.

Use this for your internal and external presentation of our SARIA Group!

Download here

New global
SARIA website

The global SARIA website shines in the new corporate design. In addition to the individual SARIA country websites, this website is intended to be our ­inter­national­, Group-wide flagship for external presentation.

Discover new content and learn more about who we are and what we do!

To the website

EcoVadis Medal 2023

SARIA Group has been awarded the silver medal by EcoVadis, the global standard for business sustainability ratings.

Our current score places us in the top 7 % of all companies evaluated worldwide. SARIA has completed this comprehensive assessment every year since 2016 and was able to steadily improve its Group-wide rating.

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Changes in the responsibilities of SARIA UK business

At the end of 2023 there will be changes in the responsibilities for the SARIA UK activities at SARIA Executive Board level.

Dr. Peter Hill will take on the responsibility for the SARIA UK businesses. Franz-Bernhard Thier will remain responsible for ReFood UK Ltd and T.Quality Ltd, including Nortech Foods Ltd. In addition, the successive integration of the UK Finance & Administration functions into the Group Functions led by Tim Schwencke will be started.


What comes next?

You can look forward to the next SARIA Global Newsletter in 2024.

You have ideas, wishes, comments? Share them with us at:

SARIA Global Newsletter 04/2023

The “O” in Sinova: Great potential in oleochemistry


The “O” in Sinova stands for the oleochemical industry, one of the most important markets for our Sinova fats.

Producing for the oleochemical industry means that the soap or the washing powder we all use in our everyday life, can be made from the fats that Sinova processes.

How is this possible?

Sinova only collects animal by-products that have been declared fit for human consumption at the point of slaughtering (after undergoing veterinary checks) – these are the so-called C3 materials. From these materials we produce a wide range of fats that can be used in the composition of various consumer products.

An essential ingredient
Our products are at the center of the current ambition to reduce our ecological footprint. In fact, our animal fats, like vegetable oils, are one of the basic raw materials from which many of the ingredients for the production of our everyday consumer goods are derived.
They undergo a long chemical transformation process during which oleochemical manufacturers extract the components needed to manufacture their products. Just to illustrate the broad variety of applications, this includes e.g. detergents, paints, solvents, lubricants, plastics, biofuels, aircraft de-icers, cosmetics and the famous hydroalcoholic gel used for hand disinfection to prevent the Covid virus. These organic raw materials are an effective ingredient that is gradually replacing petroleum-based products. They now account for 3% of global consumption (compared to 97% from fossil fuels).

What factors determine the final use?
A large part of our fat production goes into oleochemicals, animal feed and biofuels. Here, the market situation will determine the final direction. More precisely, it is the price level for fat that determines the industry that will finally use the fat from Sinova. The task of our sales teams is therefore to optimise the Sinova sales by anticipating changes on the global markets as good as possible.

A challenge for the future

In a world whose energy needs have doubled in 20 years, the production of oils and fats has reached 200 million tons per year. Animal fats account for around 12% of global production.

It is necessary and important to work on their development and further valorisation. At Sinova, we are thriving to contribute to this change that is so important for our sustainable future!

Close to action – Sinova Townhall Meetings


At Sinova we live the principle of being ONE international team.

It is very important to the Sinova Board that this mindset is practiced and actively embraced at all levels so that every colleague is included. Therefore, the Sinova Board visits various Sinova sites on a quarterly basis to further strengthen the exchange with the colleagues but also to have an open ear to the challenges and questions that may arise in our team.

The Sinova Board consists of Andy Plews, Arnaud Becard, Emmanuel Layous, Lars Krause-Kjær, Nicolas Bonnaud, Peter Hill and Thorsten Seeger. In addition to the online meetings that the seven have on a weekly basis, a face-to-face meeting every three months in one of our factories is an important element in the communication between the different areas of our Sinova division. The aim of these meetings is to be close to the operational business and its colleagues, as well as to deepen our Sinova strategy that we follow for more than two and a half years.

A central part of these face-to-face Board Meetings is a visit to a Sinova factory. Along with a tour through the production facilities, there is also a Townhall Meeting. These Townhall Meetings last about an hour and invite all available colleagues to an open exchange with the Board. All colleagues have the opportunity to raise ideas, challenges or questions within an open dialogue. The Board members believes that every opinion in our ONE team is valuable and important, and everyone is invited to play an active role in our Sinova journey. Especially through the colleagues from operations, we can gain new and enriching ideas and views.

After various Board Meetings in France and Italy, the time had come again in November 2023 for a visit in Spain.

In Spain the Board Meeting was held in our Segovia factory. Following a warm welcome and an informative factory tour, another animated Townhall Meeting took place. Exchanging ideas with the Sinova Board helped to clarify and discuss many questions, and the Board was able to take away valuable ideas and inspiration from these days in Segovia.

The Sinova Board is looking forward to the upcoming town hall meetings in 2024 so that an open exchange with our committed colleagues will take place as well in other regions of our Sinova division.